That’s right. Today I’m going to talk about boobs. Motherhood, at least during the early months, is all-about the boobs. Previous to having kids I had no idea how important boobs are going to be in my feeling like a successful parent. When I was pregnant and was preparing to be a mother, I thought things like my bachelor's degree in education, and my graduate courses in child psychology would save the day.
Oh how naive I was!! None of those classes prepared me for the early months of motherhood. After having kids, now I know that nothing makes you feel more like a successful mom than a pair of well working boobs.
Before having kids, the world of boobs was simple- small or large boobs and fake or real boobs.
They were merely body parts that made you look a certain way. I didn't know that boobs can look and feel in so many different ways. I didn't know that boobs can do so much:
Nursing boobs
Lactating boobs
Engorged boobs
Lopsided boobs
Cracked nipple boobs
Sagging boobs
Leaking boobs
Soft boobs
Hard boobs
Head rest boobs
Sleep aid boobs
Sore boobs
Enflamed boobs
Throbbing boobs
The list goes on
Your baby’s world revolves around your boobs. Your life revolves around your boobs. When your boobs are not in working order, you feel stressed, you feel like a failure, and unfit to be a mother. I don’t care how helpful your spouse might be- unless he has a pair of boobs, he is simply not THAT helpful.
As I sit here, nursing my baby, I am so thankful for my boobs. Who knew my boobs could endure so much? I’m celebrating my boobs, and all the other tired, sleep deprived and overworked boobs out there.
Ooh, ouch! My teething baby is adding another one to the list.
Beef Jerky Boobs.
Before having kids, the world of boobs was simple- small or large boobs and fake or real boobs.
They were merely body parts that made you look a certain way. I didn't know that boobs can look and feel in so many different ways. I didn't know that boobs can do so much:
Nursing boobs
Lactating boobs
Engorged boobs
Lopsided boobs
Cracked nipple boobs
Sagging boobs
Leaking boobs
Soft boobs
Hard boobs
Head rest boobs
Sleep aid boobs
Sore boobs
Enflamed boobs
Throbbing boobs
The list goes on
Your baby’s world revolves around your boobs. Your life revolves around your boobs. When your boobs are not in working order, you feel stressed, you feel like a failure, and unfit to be a mother. I don’t care how helpful your spouse might be- unless he has a pair of boobs, he is simply not THAT helpful.
As I sit here, nursing my baby, I am so thankful for my boobs. Who knew my boobs could endure so much? I’m celebrating my boobs, and all the other tired, sleep deprived and overworked boobs out there.
Ooh, ouch! My teething baby is adding another one to the list.
Beef Jerky Boobs.