Monday, February 8, 2010


Almost 18 years ago, I spent a summer working as a volunteer at an orphanage about 40 mins away from Port-Au-Prince. Full of idealism, hope, and adventure, I went to Haiti to experience the 3rd world culture, to learn, and to offer my time. I helped in the infant wing, and took care of 9 babies. 2 of them had HIV virus. One died in my arms. I remember falling asleep to the dull sounds of voo doo drum, and waking up to gun shots out on the street. Live babies were found in hospital dumpsters. I witnessed what poverty does to humanity. Haiti broke my heart.

The recent earthquake in Haiti brought back the familiar pang in my heart. Now that I'm a mother, the thought of children becoming orphaned, or mothers unable to give food to their children makes me... crazy. How do you deal with such devastation? How do you digest such suffering?

My prayer goes to Haiti. I've been checking out what's going on with my old orphanage via web.Rather than being depressed by Haiti's devastation, I decided to share this website, and ask people to do something, anything, to help Haiti's unreached mothers and children. A good friend also told me about Giving Children Hope. If you know of other good organizations where help can go to mothers and children, please share.

Here are some old photos I dug out recently.