Saturday, January 3, 2009

Rules that never stuck in our household...

Top 7 "Rules" that never stuck in our house

Rule #7 Don't watch too much TV
- Now I beg my son to watch his Thomas video so I can sleep extra 20 mins.

Rule #6 Please leave the room if you have to fart
- Well my pregnancy pretty much took care of this rule. Postpartum still gives me gas!

Rule #5 When you remember to call your mother, don't forget to call my mother too

Rule #4 Birthday, anniversary, mother's day etc,. gifts should be given by the actual date- no IOUs, delays for days, months or years!
- Right. I now order my own gift via the internet

Rule #3 Never go to bed angry at each other
- If you got this one mastered, I would love to know your secret!

Rule #2 Don't forget to wipe down the toilet and the floor around the toilet after each time you pee
- Didn't work with husband. Doubtful if it's going to work with my toilet training 2 year old

Rule #1. "Can you take care of #2 at work??"
- Seems like a reasonable request, but perhaps it can be a career limiting move to be known as the "toilet guy"

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