Saturday, January 3, 2009

Where Are the Shopping Carts?

I love Target. Before having kids, I used to be appalled at how these mega-stores would drive out those innocent local mom-pop shops. Now, I shamelessly LOVE the convenience of a one-stop-shop. The Target in North Carolina even had groceries, and I was there literally every day. I love the wide isles where I can drive the shopping cart without bumping into anything, and the fact that there's always something interesting for my 2 yr old. Price is always reasonable, and I love the fact that the workers carry around those guns that can do the inventory checks instantly. I even began buying clothes at Target. I figured, if it's cool enough for Isaac Mizrahi, it's cool enough for me. I love the fact that I can just go there, just as I am. At Target, I don't feel like I'm out of style, out of shape, or out of my league. It's a very accepting and a non-judgemental place.

I was reflecting on this love affair with Target as I pulled into the parking lot today. I got out of the car and began looking for a shopping cart. I was a bit surprised that I couldn't find any Target shopping carts in the parking lot! I thought about quickly running into the store to grab a cart, but decided that leaving two kids unattended in the car was a bad idea. So I waited for someone to walk by with an empty cart. I couldn't believe it! There were no Target shopping carts to be found! What is going on? Is Target cutting back on their shopping carts? Are they in some sort of a financial trouble? Is there some special sale inside where everyone is using their shopping carts?

I finally saw this large black man walking towards me. He obviously didn't work for Target, but I was beginning to get desperate. "Excuse me, do you know where I can get a shopping cart for Target?" I asked. What I really meant was "Dude, I have 2 little kids in the car. Would you be a dear and grab a shopping cart for me from inside of the store?" He stopped, looked at me, shook his head then started walking away. Unbelievable! You don't ignore a sleep deprived, hormone charged postpartum woman who changed like 10 poopy diapers just this morning, and took over an hour to get the two kids ready to make the trip to Target. I asked him again in more firm, don't-mess-with-a-postpartum-woman voice. " Do you know where I can get a shopping cart from Target?"

Finally, he stopped, shook his head again and says "ma'am, if you want a Target shopping cart, you'll have to go to Target",

And that's when I realized, I was parked in the Wal-Mart Parking lot. Somehow I made a wrong turn, and ended up at Wal-Mart, across the street from Target.


1 comment:

  1. This has to be my favorite. You should look into a job as a columnist of some sort. So funny.
